BLUE, The Master Hiker

BLUE, The Master Hiker

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mostly perfect.

Windy, cold and rainy day.
 Supposed to hike.
I could just skip it.
Then I remember. It's MOSTLY!

I get to Pine Street when the rain starts
to become an official downpour.
The room in which Mostly is located
has about 10 dogs who,
when that door opens,
pop up their heads and start the wagging.
Apparently MOSTLY wags the MOST.
His tail has a little sore at its tip,
Don't get me wrong, the metal crate is very comfortable
and large, but dogs with real long tails
sometimes rub them against the back and
eventually, if they wag wag and wag
~~~so happy to see us humans~~~
they sometimes get a little abrasion back there.
Cute tail, just a bit of a boo-boo, and he doesn't care!
He mostly sits quietly in the camper part of my truck,
jumped right in without hesitation.
Rear-view mirror--cute nobby head, droopy ears.
Bounds right out, but listens well to "wait"

If there's a dog that can get along with a boy, it is Mostly.

So what do you do with a one-year old, athletic
and fun-loving dog on a rainy day?
Have him hike with an athletic, fun-loving teenager! Mostly.
We figure a muddy, slippery trail might be too much with the
downpour on top of, we head south to Cliff Cave Park
and walked the river trail--which is paved! Not my style, but.....

His brindle coat gives him a fine camouflage
And lots to smell in the brush beside the edges of the trail....
Too bad there are no other canines along the way,
however, my dog Blue is there, and they do well together.
I had Mostly the week before in a small group.
He was very sweet to both the other dogs and the humans.
See! Here he is with his hiking partner, Barbi.

John and Mostly enjoy the walk without serious pulling issues.
He seems to understand John's the decision maker, not him.
They get along perfectly.

Good bursts of energy. Much needed release.
Mostly misunderstood, he is not "hyper" or difficult.
He is a young male who likes to act like a young male.
He acts NORMAL OUTSIDE in the real world. He has a chance to explore.
He likes to run a bit. He loves to be a
And they're OFF!!

It doesn't matter if it is raining.
He doesn't even mind when John says no to getting in the....
Kinda looks fun out there in that water!
And isn't this guy GORGEOUS?!!!!
Look at his well-proportioned body, white-stocking front legs....
He is neutered and chipped by the way.
Like Ludwig (past posting-- but sorry he's taken!) he is a...

We head to the house. Wet, but happy.
He again acts so well-behaved in the truck, he gets to "move up"
to the back seat! I get a couple kisses on my ear. :o)
Al the dogs--even Blue--accept him after the "white glove inspection".
He enjoys a bit of "down time" with a bone, and as you can see,
he has no trouble
with John holding onto it while he munches! Hmmm. Nice.

But he really likes the outside! Mostly.

So there you have it. Mostly. But not completely.
The best way you can get to know him, is to see him in person.
Go down to SR and take a nice walk with him. Feel his soft fur!  
Bring a couple tissues, not for tears, but for...
all the sloppy kisses!! <3

No words need to be said!
 He was in a foster home, but due to changes
in the F.P.'s situation, he is now in the shelter at Pine.
Here's the info:

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